Flu vaccination clinic for children from 6 months to 4 years and 9 months of age is open on Tuesday the 26th of May. The time you book online is not necessarily indicative of appointment time of [...]
Flu vaccination clinic’s are open for the 13th, 14th, 19th and 21st of May. 13/5 is for children from 6 months to 4 years and 9 months of age. 14/5, 19/5 and 21/5 are for people aged over [...]
What should I see the doctor for? What can wait? What is best dealt with on the phone? What needs to be face to face? To help answer these FAQ’s, Dr Wendy has put together a traffic light [...]
At Blackbutt Doctors, we are incorporating technology to make communication about your health as easy and convenient as possible. The two best and easiest ways to get get connected and book your [...]
We know that our phones have a waiting time of 20-30 minutes at the peak times of the day. We acknowledge this is very frustrating and want to keep you up to date and give you some more [...]
Feeling worried or struggling to cope during the coronavirus pandemic? We’re here to help. This is a challenging time for all of us, but thankfully we are not alone and there is support out [...]
We apologise but our two flu clinics on the 7th and 8th of may have now fully booked out. We also currently do not have any stock of the over 65 years flu vaccine. We will keep you notified via [...]
We are running a private flu clinic for children aged 5 years to 12 years on Thursday the 7th of May. It is taking place in the car park of our surgery. You will be called and informed of the [...]