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We know that our phones have a waiting time of 20-30 minutes at the peak times of the day. We acknowledge this is very frustrating and want to keep you up to date and give you some more information about why this is happening and what we are doing about it.

Why is this happening?
Reception staff are taking longer with many calls at the moment, as patients need to be triaged thoroughly in order to keep our surgery a safe place and free from COVID19 transmissions.
A much larger number of people are calling the surgery each day, which is understandable, as many people have questions about their health, and the new procedures at the surgery in response to COVID19.
Our Doctors are performing a large number of appointments by Telehealth in response to the changes, and even though we have put on 3 new phone lines, this means at present, sometimes phone lines are all occupied. We have also had to re-deploy reception staff to the front door for health checks, taking them away from phones and have had to rotate staff in work from home roles, to keep our work force safe and comply with social distancing regulations. All this means keeping the phones answered in a timely fashion is a major challenge!

What are we doing about it?
We are hiring as many staff as we can afford, and having as many as we can safely manage in the office physically answering phones.
We are letting you know how we operate through social media and our website, to reduce your need to call us.
We are making a commitment to answer email, OzDocs and AutoMed requests in a timely fashion, so you don’t have to call.
We encourage you to go online, and make a telephone Telehealth appointment with your doctor for any health queries, or requests for scripts. The doctor will then call you directly at the time of your scheduled appointment. This is bulk billed to medicare.

Thank you for your patience, and please see our website and follow us on facebook and instagram for more updates.

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