Important COVID Updates to our Clinic
To keep everyone as safe as possible, we are separating patients with potentially infectious symptoms, from those who are well inside our surgery.
If you call our surgery our reception staff will identify on the phone if you have symptoms and direct you to the correct clinic for your care. The clinic for people with symptoms is called our “Infectious Symptoms Clinic”. When you come into the surgery the receptionist will ask you to read our triage questions and if you answer YES to any of the questions you will be asked to wait outside and the GP will call you and sort out what is the best way to deal with your problem.
You will be charged for a phone consultation to sort you out and for any further care you may need.
If you know you are unwell please DO NOT turn up to our face to face clinic. If you know you are unwell on the day of your regular face to face clinic appointment, you must cancel that appointment and book an appointment online for the infectious symptoms clinic or contact us by phone to see how else we can resolve your problem. It will end up more cost effective and safer for you.
If you are free from symptoms and have answered NO to all of the questions, reception will check you in and allow you to proceed with your face to face appointment.
The triage questions are:
1. Have you had fever (37.5°C or above) or fever symptoms (e.g. chills/ night sweats) in the past 3 days?
2. Do you have any symptoms from this list that are NEW? (Started in the past 3 weeks)
• Cough
• Sore or scratchy throat
• Runny nose
• Rash
• Vomiting or diarrhoea
• Shortness of breath
• Wheeze
• Loss of smell or taste
COVID-19 testing and exposure
1. Have you tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days?
2. Has anyone you live with or spent more than 4 hours with tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days?
3. Are you waiting for COVID-19 test results?
Our doctors are taking turns to staff the infectious symptoms clinic and this means that they may not be available in regular clinic to do your regularly scheduled work. During this time you may have to see doctors who are not your regular doctor either in infectious symptoms clinic or in the regular clinic. We have all your medical records here and our doctors communicate with one another so please share with the doctors any information you have about your health so that we can keep your health information up-to-date and make this experience as safe as possible.